www.buffalotech.comUser Manual - Secure Lock WareDrive Encryption Systemv2.0Ultra High Security - 256-bit Capable AES Encryption for Buffalo U
10Click Next,Reformatting Your Deviceand Nextagain,andnally,clickFinish.
11The drive that you need to format will have a black bar to the right of it because it’s “Unallocated”. Usually this will be "Di
12Click Next,Reformatting Your Devicethen Next again,andagain,
13and Next again.Reformatting Your DeviceLeave the le system set to NTFS, but you can change theVolume Label (the drive’s name in M
14Your encrypted device will begin to format. This may take several minutes if you did not select Perform a Quick Format.Reformatting Your DeviceWhen
15Open up My Computer. You should be able to see your new device, ready to use! Ifyou chose the defaults duringinstallation,y
16When you use your encrypted device, you’ll have to enteryour password. This will happen whenever a computer with thedeviceattachedisb
17To lock your encrypted device without unplugging it from yourcomputer,selectLock the Device from within Secure Lock Ware software and then click
18Aslongasyouknowthepassword,youmayremoveSecureLockWare’sEncryptionfromadevice at any time. This will erase any data on the device.
19Now,clickYes,enter your password one last time and click OK,and then click OK again. You will now need to reformat thedevicetouseit.Seepag
2Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Setting up Secure Lock Ware. . . . . . . . . . . .
20ToremoveSecureLockWaresoftwarefromacomputer,selectStart/Buffalo/Secure Lock Ware/Uninstaller. Now,clickStart, and then click Yes to res
21You may start Secure Lock Ware at any time by clicking on Start/Programs/Buffalo/Secure Lock Ware. Using File EncrypterFromtheSecureLockWare
22From the Encryptiontab,chooseadestinationforEncryptedles.Thisisthelocationthatencryptedleswillbeplacedaftertheencryptionproc
23From the Compressiontab,choosearateforcompression. Low compression rates result in faster encryptionprocessing,butmakeforlargerles.H
24Ifyourightclickonanyle,thenanEncrypt option will be available. If you right click on any.CRY(encryptionle),thenaDecrypt option wil
25Contact Information (North America)BUFFALOTECHNOLOGY(USA),Inc.4030WestBrakerLane,Suite120Austin,TX78759-5319GENERAL INQUIRIES Monday th
26BUFFALO TECHNOLOGY UK LTD.176BuckinghamAvenue,Slough,Berkshire,SL14RDUnited KingdomGENERAL INQUIRIES Email: [email protected]
3Doyoukeepsensitivematerialonyourportableharddrive?SecureLockWare’s256-bitcapable AES encryption provides powerful protection for data
4Insert your DriveNavigator CD in the CD drive of the computer that you’ll be using to accesstheportabledevice.Ifitdoesn’tstartautomatically,
5Setting up Secure Lock WareThis screen will appear. Click Start.Wheninstallationcompletes,clickNext to open the Settings screen. Secure Lock Wa
6Highlight Drive Encryption Settings and click Start.Conguring Secure Lock WareChoose Set Up Drive Encryption on Device and click Start.
7Do not connect the device that you want to encrypt to the computer at this time. If you've alreadyconnectedit,disconnectitnow.Cl
8Enter your desired password twice and choose either AES 128 bitsecurityorAES256bitsecurity.Becausethisencryptionisextremelysecure,infor
9Right-clickonMy Computer and select Manage.Reformatting Your Encrypted DeviceOntheleftside,underStorage,clickonDisk Management.Yourhard
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