Product Catalog
About Buffalo TechnologyBuffalo Technology (USA), Inc. is a leading global provider of affordable, easy-to-use, next-generation wired and wireless net
4030 West Braker Lane #120Austin, TX
About AOSSWhether for home or office, Buffalo Technology’s AOSS™ allows you to create a high speed secure wireless networking environment with the pus
128/64-bitWEP128/64-bitWEPDiversityAntennaAOSSSupportAOSSSupportWPASupportWPASupportExternalAntenna Option2.4GHz 125* High Speed Mode™ Access Points &
2.4GHz 802.11g Access Points 54Mbps54Mbps54Mbps54Mbps54MbpsIntrusionDetectorPoESupportPoESupportPoESupport128/64-bitWEP128/64-bitWEP128/64-bitWEP128/
54MbpsAOSSSupportWPASupportExternalAntenna Option54Mbps Wireless Desktop PCI AdapterWLI2-PCI-G54For use in any desktop PC with an available PCI slot.
2.4GHz 802.11b Access Points & Client Adapters128/64-bitWEPIntrusionDetectorDHCPServer3.3V ACAdapterRoamingSupport11ChannelsDSL/CATV4-Port 10/100
Wired Networking ProductsLinkStation Network Storage CenterHD-H120LANEasy and economic solution to add 120GB of network-attached storage. Quick and si
2.4GHz Antennas &2.4GHz Indoor Omni Antenna AirStationWLE-NDRThis 2.5dBi antenna connects to any of the AirStation Access Points and select wirele
AirStation Wall Mount KitsWLE-WK33 for 3.3V NON-WHR RoutersWLE2-WK33 for 3.3V WHR RoutersWLE-WK for 7V RoutersMount the AirStation high on walls for c
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