www.buffalotech.com/wirelessUser ManualAntennasAntenna Manual-bw.qxd 2/16/05 10:24 AM Page 1
10Antenna Mounting Brackets WLE-KG-VPA / WLE-KG-VPBWLE-KG-VPAWLE-KG-VPBWhen mounting an external antenna it is important to pay attention to the locat
11WLE-NDRTechnical SpecificationsAntenna Range/PatternPolarization Method Vertical PolarizationsConnector Type MCFrequency Range 2,401 - 2,484 MHz
12WLE-DA2Technical SpecificationsApproximate RangePolarization Method Vertical PolarizationsConnector Type MCFrequency Range 2,401 - 2,484 MHz (1-1
13WLE-HG-NDRTechnical SpecificationsApproximate RangePolarization Method Vertical or Horizontal; Horizontal during transmissionConnector Type MC, ex
14WLE-MYGTechnical SpecificationsPolarization Method Vertical or Horizontal; Horizontal during transmissionConnector Type MC,external MC to RP-TNC c
15WLE-HG-NDCTechnical SpecificationsDirectivity Pattern DiagramsAntenna Type OmniPolarization Method Vertical PolarityPolarity, Vertical 15 ± 5° Ha
16WLE-HG-DYGTechnical SpecificationsDirectivity Pattern DiagramsPolarization Method Flat Diversity Antenna (uni-directional)Polarization Method Ver
17AccessoriesWLE-CC5WLE-LNCCoaxial Cable for Wireless Lan Outdoor Antenna. This is a LMR400 coaxial cable with 2 N male connectors.It comes in3 length
18Technical SupportBuffalo Technology offers toll-free technical support 24 hours a day, 7days a week for this product. Customers in the United State
19WarrantyBuffalo Technology (USA), Inc. products comes with a two-year limitedwarranty from the date of purchase. Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc.warr
2Table of ContentsTerminology ...3Basic Antenna Info ...
20FCCFCC Compliance Statement - This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This devi
3TerminologyDirectional Antenna - Is an antenna that radiates a signal inone direction using a tight beam pattern. Theseantennas come in several style
4Basic Antenna InformationWireless signals travel outward in an arc pattern from thesource. These radio frequencies lose significant signal strengthwh
❶❷❸❹Locate the antenna connector sliding door on therear of the AirStation.Slide the door down on the rear of the AirStation toreveal the external ant
6Connecting the AntennaAccess Points/Client AdaptersSmall Form Factor Access Points / Client AdaptersLocate the rubber antenna connector plug on the r
7Connecting the AntennaClient AdapterDisconnect the rubber antenna from card.Find the conversion coupler included with the card.Attach the coupler to
8Connecting the AntennaWLE-HG-NDR / WLE-HG-NDCTo install the WLE-HG-DYG and the WLE-HG-NDC youfirst slide the rubber boot provided over the coaxialcab
9Connecting the AntennaWLE-HG-NDR / WLE-HG-NDCNow connect the N-male to MC-card pigtail adapter tothe other end of the cable, as shown.Now connect the
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