E"orm1- 2E"orcounter= 1 To 5'Begin""for5loopsdrivenamedrive_name,counterdriveratetransfer_rate,counter'
~orml- 3:ransfertime(position)=size/transferrate(position)'Performcalculationtogettime(position)(Transfertimeatpositionofcounterinmainprogram)B:n
Final Test DataNameTransfer rate in Expected transfer Actual OutputofMbpstime in secondstransfer time insecondsLochgate Swordfish68357.657.6Lochgate S
Task1Fileservera) Requirements:The company requires a fileserver to store all files at a centralised point on their new c1ient-server network. The com
• The HP ProLiant ML150 G2-339897-031 (£479 + shipping and handling) is anappropriate fileserver.o Storage Capacity•Ithas upto 800 Gb (based on 4 RAID
Buffalo Technology - ProductsPage 1of2lVIemoryProductsMult:lmadillProduct.LinkStationHomeServer300GBModel:HS-D300GLStoragtaProdUct_TeraStation ProTera
HP ProLiant ML 150 G2 specifications - HP Product & Services productsPage 1of2»HPHorne» Contact HP..» Support8<DriversProLiant MLservers>Pro
Task2PrintServera) Requirements:The company requires a print server which will process print jobs, sent across the network bya user, and be able to fo
• The HP xw4200 Workstation (£700 + shipping and handling) is an appropriate printserver for these reasons:o Memory Capacity• Has 512 MbofRAMand 80Gbo
Dell - Client & Enterprise Solutions, Software, Peripherals, ServicesPage 1of2DellrecommendsWindows® XP ProfessionalBuyOnlineorCall (...
HIGHER COMPUTINGStageMark Evidence CommentPseudode for 2 P3 No roundingstep 3 First paragraphPseudocode for 2P3 2ndparagraph &Correct pseudocode f
Dell - Client & Enterprise Solutions, Software, Peripherals, ServicesPage 2of2.,More DetailsDue to End 22/03/2006..,MoreDetailsSave50%on Dell Colo
Search: I<!'Product& Services C AIHP xw4200 Workstation specifications - HP Product & Services products»ContactHP»S()lutl()t'l$Pa
HP xw4200 Workstation specifications - HP Product & Services productsPage 2of2~Printable versionDisk subsystemcontroller descriptionSystemfeatures
Task3Anti-virusSoftwarea) Requirements:The company requires anti-virus software which is capableofthe following:Updating• Automatically updating upon
• McAfee Managed VirusScan plus AntiSpyware ($1322.79 [ ::::£760] to cover all21 computers on network for two years) is an appropriate anti-virus soft
AVG Anti Virus: Network EditionNetwork EditionCentralized antivirus protection for any network sizePage 1of4Suitability IFeatures ICompatibility ILice
AVG Anti Virus: Network EditionLicensingPage 2of4The number oflicenses required forAVGNetwork Edition, is based upon the total numberofcomputers and f
•MoreProductFeatureso Remote administrationviaAVGADMINallows the administratorto remotely install, update, configureandmuch more.o The powerful AVGRes
AlcAfee$ProvenSecurity"McAfee Managed VirusScan plus AntiSpywareSimplified security for small businessManysmall businesses cannot affordtheluxury
Broad Platform SupportMcAfeeunderstandsyourneedtoprotectyourbusinessassetsandcomputersystems. Wesupportplatforms fromWindows" 98 to Windows XP.Le
Specifysuitable 2P9 Section a Mentionsappropriatestoragecapacity,fileserverappropriate processingpower andappropriate interfaces.Identify22P9&10 2
Task4External Hard Drivea) Requirements:The company have much the same requirements for an external hard drive as for theirfileserver's storage c
c) Recommendation:I recommend that the company buys the Seagate ST3300601U2-RK.This comparison shows the reasons I chose the Seagate ST3300601U2-RK ov
3.5-inch Pushbutton Backup External Storage Hard Drives - Seagate TechnologyPage 1of2seagate...oominvestor relations I about Se.1~~t~L~~y~<:>rcA - USB2 - Seagate - IEUs300 - Seagate USB2 External ST3300601U2-... Page 1of2LogInI MyAccountICheckout.SPAN. COMWORLDSPANCOMMUNICATIONSLID
PC IProductFinder>OneTouchExtemal300GBHard Drive (USB, 5400 ... Page 1of2SurfControlTECHNOLOGY ADVICE YOU CAN TRUSTPRODUCT FINDERPoweredB
Marking guidelinesNameDateTopicOutofMarkCommentPart1DesignPseudocode for step 32,1,02-Pseudocode for step 62,1,07_Indication of data flow2,1,0}K.~,l-t
Table of Data to be Used in TestingName Transfer rate in MbpsExpected transfer time insecondsLochgate Swordfish683 57.6Lochgate Sav1330 119.2Dockentry
Algorithm (includes Parameter Passing)1 For each drive2 Store the name and transfer rateofeach drive OUT: drive_name(1 to 5)by reference, transferJate
Stepwise Refinements for Steps 3 and 6Step 3 Refinements3. Calculate and store the transfer time3.1 Use calculation procedure to get transfer time3.1. position = position + 16.2.13. Loop back to beginningof"do until... loop" Loop6.2.14. End subroutine6.2.14.1. End subHigh
Forml- 1'HigherComputingCourseworkTask2005-2006(C206!12)OptionBase1OptionExplicitPrivateSubcmd_clear_Click()DimclrAsInteger'Declareclrasanin
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