Buffalo WZR-600DHP2 Bedienungsanleitung

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User Manual for User-friendly Firmware
AirStation NFINITI HighPower Wireless Router & Access Point
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Seite 1 - WZR-600DHP

User Manual for User-friendly FirmwareAirStation NFINITI HighPower Wireless Router & Access PointWZR-600DHPwww.bualotech.com

Seite 2 - Contents

18Chapter 1 Product Overview- 9 -15Internet Port 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps connections are supported.Note: In bridge/AP mode (router switch

Seite 3

Chapter 6 Trouble Shooting- 99 -Other TipsIssue:I reset my wireless router to factory settings and forgot how to log in to the conguration interface

Seite 4

- 100 -Chapter 6 Trouble ShootingIssue:What can I do if my wireless connection drops randomly or seems slow?Answer:There are many environmental facto

Seite 5

- 101 -Chapter 7 - Default Conguration SettingsFeature Parameter Default SettingInternet(Router Mode only)Method of Acquiring IP Address Perform Easy

Seite 6 - Chapter 1 - Product Overview

- 102 -Chapter 7 Default Conguration SettingsFeature Parameter Default SettingLAN LAN Side IP Address Router Mode (Router Switch AUTO/ON): 192.168.

Seite 7 - Hardware Overview

Chapter 7 Default Conguration Settings- 103 -Feature Parameter Default SettingWPS WPS EnabledExternal Registrar EnabledAirStation PIN An 8-digit ran

Seite 8

- 104 -Chapter 7 Default Conguration SettingsFeature Parameter Default SettingWMM WMM-EDCA Parameters(Priority AC_BK (Low) )For AP For STACWmin 15 1

Seite 9

Chapter 7 Default Conguration Settings- 105 -Feature Parameter Default SettingFirewall(Router Mode only)Log Output DisabledBasic RulesProhibit NBT a

Seite 10 - Chapter 1 Product Overview

- 106 -Chapter 7 Default Conguration SettingsFeature Parameter Default SettingSharing Shared Folder EnabledAirStation Name AP + AirStation’s MAC Add

Seite 11 - Horizontal Placement

Chapter 7 Default Conguration Settings- 107 -Feature Parameter Default SettingECO Scheduling DisabledSchedule Entry Operational Mode: Norma

Seite 12 - Wall Mounting

- 10 -Chapter 2 - Placing Your AirStationVertical PlacementIf the AirStation is to be placed vertically, attach the stand as shown.Horizontal Placemen

Seite 13 - Chapter 3 - Installation

FRONTChapter 2 Placing Your AirStation- 11 -2Install horizontally.Wall Mounting1To wall-mount the AirStation, attach the stand to the wall with the t

Seite 14

USBEJECTONOFFAUTOROUTERLANUSBUSBEJECTONOFFAUTOROUTER1234POWERINTERNET2) disconnectmodem computerConrm that the switch is positioned to [AUTO].OFFmode

Seite 15 - Changing Firmware


Seite 16 - Chapter 3 Installation

- 14 -Chapter 3 Installation8Launch a web browser. If the home screen is displayed, setup is complete.If username and password elds are displayed, e

Seite 17 - Chapter 4 - Conguration

Chapter 3 Installation- 15 -User-friendly rmware update screen:

Seite 18 - Chapter 4 Conguration

- 16 -Chapter 4 - CongurationThe web-based conguration tool lets you change advanced settings for the AirStation. Don’t change these settings unless

Seite 19

Chapter 4 Conguration- 17 -4This is the conguration interface, where most AirStation settings can be congured.Help is always displayed on the righ

Seite 20

- 18 -Chapter 4 CongurationConguration Interface Menus in Router ModeThe menu structure for the AirStation in router mode is as follows. Please ref

Seite 21

- 1 -ContentsChapter 1 - Product Overview ...5Professional or User-friendly? ...

Seite 22

Chapter 4 Conguration- 19 -Movie Engine Congure options for the Movie Engine feature. Page 57NASDisk Management View the status and congure of att

Seite 23 - Parameter Meaning

- 20 -Chapter 4 CongurationConguration Interface Menus in Bridge ModeThe menu structure in bridge mode is as follows. Please refer to the pages lis

Seite 24

Chapter 4 Conguration- 21 -ECO Congure ECO Mode. Page 74Access Congure access restrictions to the AirStation’s conguration interface. Page 76Log

Seite 25 - Internet

- 22 -Chapter 4 CongurationSetupSetup is the home page of the conguration interface. You can verify settings and the status of the AirStation here.

Seite 26 - Congure PPPoE settings

Chapter 4 Conguration- 23 -Parameter MeaningGames/Apps Click this button to display the conguration screen to open ports for games and applications

Seite 27

- 24 -Chapter 4 CongurationWAN/LANInternetCongure the WAN-side port (“Internet port”).Parameter MeaningMethod of Acquiring IP Address Specify how t

Seite 28

Chapter 4 Conguration- 25 -PPPoECongure PPPoE settings.Parameter MeaningDefault PPPoE Connection If you have registered multiple connection destina

Seite 29 - DNS service is enabled

- 26 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningPPPoE Connection No. This is displayed when [Edit Connection List] is clicked.Name of ConnectionEnter t

Seite 30

Chapter 4 Conguration- 27 -Parameter MeaningPreferred Connections Displays information you have set regarding to the connection destination route.Ed

Seite 31 - VPN Server

- 28 -Chapter 4 CongurationDDNSCongure Dynamic DNS settings. Many settings are only available when the appropriate Dynamic DNS service is enabled.

Seite 32

- 2 -DHCP ... 34NAT ...

Seite 33

Chapter 4 Conguration- 29 -Parameter MeaningIP Address Update Period Species the period to notify the dynamic DNS service provider of the current I

Seite 34

- 30 -Chapter 4 CongurationVPN ServerCongure the VPN server.

Seite 35 - Congure DHCP Exceptions

Chapter 4 Conguration- 31 -Parameter MeaningAuto Input Click to generate a random IP address.LAN Side IP AddressSet a LAN side IP address and subnet

Seite 36

- 32 -Chapter 4 CongurationLANCongure LAN-side and DHCP Server settings.Parameter MeaningLAN Side IP Address By default, the LAN side IP address is

Seite 37

Chapter 4 Conguration- 33 -Parameter MeaningDNS Servers Router Mode onlySet the DNS server IP address for the DHCP server to issue to clients. WINS

Seite 38 - Wireless

- 34 -Chapter 4 CongurationDHCPCongure DHCP Exceptions.Parameter MeaningIP Address Enter an IP address to lease manually. The IP address should be

Seite 39

Chapter 4 Conguration- 35 -NATCongure network address translation settings. This enables LAN-side devices to communicate with the Internet.Paramete

Seite 40

- 36 -Chapter 4 CongurationRoutingCongure the AirStation’s IP communication route.Parameter MeaningDestination Address Adds a destination IP addres

Seite 41

Chapter 4 Conguration- 37 -WirelessWPSWPS Status and Settings.Parameter MeaningWPS Enable to use WPS automatic conguration.External Registrar Enabl

Seite 42 - Advanced

- 38 -Chapter 4 CongurationBasicThe screen to congure a basic wireless settings.Parameter MeaningWireless Radio Determines whether to allow wireles

Seite 43

- 3 -NTP ... 73ECO ...

Seite 44

Chapter 4 Conguration- 39 -Parameter MeaningBroadcast SSID If [Allow] is checked, then the AirStation will respond to SSID searches from wireless de

Seite 45 - MAC Filter

- 40 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningWireless Encryption You may use any of the following types of encryption:No encryptionData is transmitte

Seite 46 - AOSS Status and Settings

Chapter 4 Conguration- 41 -Parameter MeaningSet up WEP encryption key A WEP encryption key (passphrase) may have two dierent formats. An ASCII pas

Seite 47

- 42 -Chapter 4 CongurationWMMSet priorities for specic communications.

Seite 48 - Multicast Control

Chapter 4 Conguration- 43 -Parameter MeaningWMM-EDCA Parameters You don't usually need to change these settings. Using the default settings is

Seite 49 - Firewall

- 44 -Chapter 4 CongurationMAC FilterRestrict access to specic wireless devices.Parameter MeaningEnforce MAC Filtering Enable to restrict wireless

Seite 50

Chapter 4 Conguration- 45 -AOSSAOSS Status and Settings.

Seite 51 - IP Filter

- 46 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningInitiates AOSS automatic wireless conguration. Click this, then press or click the AOSS button on your

Seite 52 - VPN Passthrough

Chapter 4 Conguration- 47 -Multicast ControlCongure restrictions on unnecessary multicast packets sent to the wireless LAN port.Parameter MeaningSn

Seite 53 - Games/Apps

- 48 -Chapter 4 CongurationFirewallFirewallCongure the AirStation’s rewall.Parameter MeaningLog Output Enable to output a log of rewall activity.

Seite 54

- 4 -The link speed is slower than 300 Mbps (Maximum link speed is only 130 Mbps). ...

Seite 55

Chapter 4 Conguration- 49 -Parameter MeaningReject ident RequestsEnabling this option will answer IDENT requests from the Internet side with corresp

Seite 56

- 50 -Chapter 4 CongurationIP FilterEdit IP lters.Parameter MeaningLog Output If enabled, IP lter activity is saved to a log.Operation Specify how

Seite 57

Chapter 4 Conguration- 51 -VPN PassthroughCongure IPv6 passthrough, PPPoE passthrough, and PPTP passthrough.Parameter MeaningIPv6 Passthrough Enabl

Seite 58 - Movie Engine

- 52 -Chapter 4 CongurationGames/AppsPort ForwardingCongure port translation.Parameter MeaningGroup Specify a group name for a new rule to belong t

Seite 59

Chapter 4 Conguration- 53 -Parameter MeaningLAN Side IP Address Enter the LAN side IP address (after translation) for the port translation table ent

Seite 60 - Disk Management

- 54 -Chapter 4 CongurationUPnPCongure UPnP (Universal Plug and Play).Parameter MeaningUPnP Enable or disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) functi

Seite 61

Chapter 4 Conguration- 55 -QoSCongure the priority of packets sent to the Internet.Parameter MeaningQoS for transmission to the Internet Determine

Seite 62 - Shared Folder

- 56 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningPriority Select high, medium or low. If packets do not qualify for classication as a type on the list,

Seite 63

Chapter 4 Conguration- 57 -Movie EngineCongure Movie Engine options.

Seite 64

- 58 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningMovie Engine Status Displays the status of the Movie Engine switch.IPv6 Passthrough Set to enable the IP

Seite 65

- 5 -Chapter 1 - Product OverviewProfessional or User-friendly?This AirStation wireless router comes with two dierent rmware packages. You may use e

Seite 66 - WebAccess

Chapter 4 Conguration- 59 -NASDisk ManagementView the status of and congure attached USB hard disks. Parameter MeaningDevice Displays information f

Seite 67

- 60 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningAutomatic USB Disk Assignment Check [Enable] to automatically select an attached USB hard disk. The ent

Seite 68 - Media Server

Chapter 4 Conguration- 61 -Shared FolderCongure a USB hard disk for use with shared folders.Parameter MeaningShared Folder Name* Enter a name for t

Seite 69 - BitTorrent

- 62 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningWebAccess You may also select to enforce access limits on users accessing through Web Access by checking

Seite 70

Chapter 4 Conguration- 63 -UsersThis screen lets you add users to the access list with the ability to access shared folders.Parameter MeaningUsernam

Seite 71

- 64 -Chapter 4 CongurationSharingAssign AirStation and workgroup names to access shared folders.Parameter MeaningShared Folder Enable to make a USB

Seite 72 - Password

Chapter 4 Conguration- 65 -WebAccessThe screen to congure Web Access.Parameter MeaningWebAccess Check [Enable] to use Web Access.WebAccess Display

Seite 73 - Time/Date

- 66 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningWebAccess Displays the status of Web Access.External Port Status Displays the status of the external por

Seite 74

Chapter 4 Conguration- 67 -Media ServerMedia Server settings.Parameter MeaningMedia Server Enable to use the media server.Status Displays the status

Seite 75

- 68 -Chapter 4 CongurationBitTorrentCongure the BitTorrent client.Parameter MeaningBitTorrent Enable to use the BitTorrent client. If the BitTorr

Seite 76

12347586- 6 -Chapter 1 Product OverviewHardware OverviewFront Panel LEDs1AOSS ButtonTo initiate AOSS, hold down this button until the 2.4 GHz LED and

Seite 77

Chapter 4 Conguration- 69 -Parameter MeaningBandwidth Restriction Set a bandwidth limit for BitTorrent.Download Manager Displays the BitTorrent down

Seite 78

- 70 -Chapter 4 CongurationAdminNameCongure basic AirStation settings.Parameter MeaningAirStation Name Enter a name for the AirStation. Names may i

Seite 79 - Save/Restore

Chapter 4 Conguration- 71 -PasswordCongure the password to log in to the AirStation’s conguration screen.Parameter MeaningAdministrator The name o

Seite 80 - Initialize/Restart

- 72 -Chapter 4 CongurationTime/DateCongure the AirStation’s internal clock.Parameter MeaningLocal Date You may manually set the date of the AirSta

Seite 81

Chapter 4 Conguration- 73 -NTPCongure an NTP server to automatically synchronise the AirStation’s internal clock.Parameter MeaningNTP Functionality

Seite 82 - Diagnostic

- 74 -Chapter 4 CongurationECOCongure Eco mode from this screen.

Seite 83

Chapter 4 Conguration- 75 -Parameter MeaningScheduling Enable to schedule Eco Mode. If Eco mode is enabled, AOSS will function only when the AirStat

Seite 84

- 76 -Chapter 4 CongurationAccessRestrict access to the AirStation’s settings screens.Parameter MeaningLog Output Enabling outputs a log of changes

Seite 85 - Packet Info

Chapter 4 Conguration- 77 -LogTransfer the AirStation’s logs to a syslog server.Parameter MeaningTransfer Logs Enable to send logs to a syslog serve

Seite 86 - Client Monitor

- 78 -Chapter 4 CongurationSave/RestoreSave AirStation settings as a le, and restore from them later.Parameter MeaningSave Current Settings Clickin

Seite 87

Chapter 1 Product Overview- 7 -5Router LED (Green)On: Router functionality is enabled.O: Router functionality is disabled.6Diag LED (Red) This indi

Seite 88 - (AOSS Devices)

Chapter 4 Conguration- 79 -Initialize/RestartInitialize or restart the AirStation.Parameter MeaningRestart Click [Restart Now] to restart the AirSta

Seite 89

- 80 -Chapter 4 CongurationUpdateUpdate the AirStation’s rmware.Parameter MeaningFirmware Version Displays the current rmware version of the AirSt

Seite 90 - Windows XP (Client Manager 3)

Chapter 4 Conguration- 81 -DiagnosticSystem InfoView system information for the AirStation.

Seite 91 - Mac OS X (AOSS Assistant)

- 82 -Chapter 4 CongurationParameter MeaningModel Displays the product name of the AirStation and the rmware version.AirStation Name Displays the n

Seite 92 - Manual Setup

Chapter 4 Conguration- 83 -LogsThe AirStation’s logs are recorded here.Parameter MeaningDisplay logs Choose the logs.Logs Displays the logs.

Seite 93

- 84 -Chapter 4 CongurationPacket InfoView packet transfer information.Parameter MeaningSent Displays the number of packets sent to the WAN, the LAN

Seite 94 - Otherwise,go to step4

Chapter 4 Conguration- 85 -Client MonitorThis screen shows devices that are connected to the AirStation.Parameter MeaningClient Monitor Displays inf

Seite 95

- 86 -Chapter 4 CongurationPingA ping test checks whether the AirStation can communicate with a specic network device.Parameter MeaningDestination

Seite 96

PUSHPUSHModemInternetAirStation PC orGame console(AOSS Devices)- 87 -Chapter 5 - Connect to a Wireless NetworkAutomatic Secure Setup (AOSS/WPS)AOSS an

Seite 97 - Mac OS X (Wi-Fi)

- 88 -Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network 12Click [Start] > [All Programs] > [BUFFALO] > [AirStation Utility] > [Client Manager V].Wi

Seite 98 - Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting

LANUSBUSBEJECTONOFFAUTOROUTER1234POWERINTERNET15101713141611912- 8 -Chapter 1 Product OverviewBack Panel9Router SwitchSwitches router mode between en

Seite 99

Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network - 89 -2Windows XP (Client Manager 3)If you are using Windows XP, use Client Manager 3 to connect wirelessly w

Seite 100 - Other Tips

- 90 -Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network Mac OS X (AOSS Assistant)If you are using Mac OS X 10.7 / 10.6 / 10.5 / 10.4, use the included AOSS Ass

Seite 101 - Chapter 6 Trouble Shooting

Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network - 91 -Other Devices (e.g. Game Console)If you are using a game machine which supports AOSS or WPS, refer to t

Seite 102 - (Router Mode only)

- 92 -Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network 3Enter the encryption key and click [OK]. 1Right click on the wireless network icon in the system tra

Seite 103

Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network - 93 -If the screen below is displayed, click [I want to enter the network key or passphrase instead].Otherwi

Seite 104

- 94 -Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network 4Enter the encryption key and click [Connect].Step through the wizard to nish conguration. If the Set

Seite 105

Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network - 95 -Windows XP (Wireless Zero Conguration)Windows XP includes Wireless Zero Cong, a built-in utility to c

Seite 106

- 96 -Chapter 5 Connect to a Wireless Network Mac OS X (Wi-Fi)Use Wi-Fi on a Mac to connect to the AirStation.Note: In Mac OS X 10.6 and earlier, “W

Seite 107

- 97 -Chapter 6 - TroubleshootingCannot connect to the Internet over wired connection.• Make sure that your AirStation is plugged in!• Check that

Seite 108

- 98 -Chapter 6 Trouble ShootingCannot connect to the network wirelessly.• Congure your wireless client with the same SSID, encryption type, and en

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