User ManualWireless Cable/DSL
10ing Local area connection• Any Wi-Fi (wireless) compatible computer with a Web Browser Internet Explorer or Netscape 4.5 or later. (Safari 1.0 is su
11About the AirStation CD The AirStation does not require any software to beinstalledonyourcomputerforconguration.The AirStation CD contains c
12you to combine and share wired and wireless computers and printers with the high-speed internet connection. 1.PowerdownthecableorDSLmodeman
13The WBR2-G54 has two internal antennas. One has a vertical orientation while the other has a horizontal orienta-tion. This setup is ideal because
16Enter ISP information • Click the appropriate button to select the type of broadband access. (Users more experienced in networking may choose to s
17Enter IP Address Manually- Enter the IP Address given by the ISP.- Use ‘Enter IP Address Manually’ if the ISP requires use of a static IP address.PP
18CATV (Cable) ButtonSelect the appropriate connection method. Automatic IP Assignment by ISP - Select ‘Automatic IP Assignment by ISP’ if your ISP’s
19The IP Address is Acquired Automatically but DNS Server Address is Entered Manually- Select ‘IP address is acquired automatically but DNS server add
2Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05Installation / Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20SecurityThe Security Tab offers three Simple Security Settings. Follow the instructions in each screen to enter WEP keys, MAC Address Filtering and
21Simple WEP Setup.- Select the desired encryption and enter an appropriate WEP key to encrypt your network. See the section on Wireless LAN Securit
22ApplicationsThe Application Tab offers setup for special ap-plications such as games, MS NetMeeting and MSN Messenger. Then follow the on-screen me
23Web Gaming Setup-Enter the ports(refer to Game documentation) the game runs on, and enter the Local IP Ad-dress of the PC that plays the game.NetMe
24AOSSAOSS (AirStation One-Touch Secure System) is a simple, one-touch setup for connecting wireless clients to an access point while setting up the m
25◗ Now that the WBR2-G54 and wireless client adapter are installed,youcanuseAOSStocongurethem.◗Tobegintheconguration,presstheAOSS
26Additional AOSS Information:◗OnlyoneAOSSwirelessclientadaptercanbeconguredtotheAOSSrouteratatime.Thus,the button will need to b
27LAN Settings Set up LAN connections. Wireless SettingsWireless Function - Enable or disable wireless LAN computer communication.ESS-ID (SSID) - Allo
28ping channels. Channels 1, 6 and 11 are non-overlapping.If there are multiple APs in close proximity using the same channel, there may be interferen
29may delay wireless communication. The default value of 1 is recommended. Wireless output power - CongureoutputpoweroftheAirStation.Decrease
3Table of Contents Network Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Routing Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Addre
30cryption key should be entered. - TKIP - Uses TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) for data encryption. The encryption key is renewed every “Re-ke
31Characteristics: - The Initialization Vector is expanded from 24-bits to 48-bits. - The Initialization Vector is randomized. - Uses a different RC4
32LAN PortSet the LAN side Ethernet settings.LAN Side IP Address - Allows administrator to specify a static IP and Subnet Mask for the LAN side of th
33DHCP ServerAllows a more advanced con-gurationoftheDHCPserverfunctions. DHCP Server Function - Al-lows administrator to enable/disable the DHC
34Lease duration-Speciesthetimeinhours(1-999)anassignedIPaddressisvalid.Iftheclientcomputer does not request a renewal of IP address
35Manual IP and MAC Address Assignment - Allows adminis-trator to add additional leased IPaddressestiedtoaspecicMAC address. When a spe-cicM
36Wireless MAC FilterWireless PC’s Connection - Select Enable to restrict wireless connections to the registered adapters in the list. Select Disable
37Registration for MAC Ad-dresses - MAC access restriction set up in LAN. Input the MAC addresses that are allowed to communicate with the AirStation
38Wireless Bridge (WDS) The Wireless Distribution System supports peer-to-peer AP communication. Wireless Bridge (WDS) Func-tion - Select Enable to al
39To enable WDS, set the Wire-less Bridge (WDS) function to Enable. Enter the Wireless MAC address of the AirStation to communicate with in the form o
4Table of ContentsSpecications.........................71Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
40WAN Settings WAN Port Communication Method of Wired WAN - Select port speed and type of duplex connecting to the WAN port. If unknown, select Auto
41PPPoE Setting (for enabling PPPoE Client function) - Allows administrator to use PPPoE as speciedbytheISP.The following parameters should be en
42Authorization - Authorization method for accessing the ISP’s PPPoE server. If unknown, select Auto authorization. MTU (Maximum Transmit Unit) Size
43WAN NetworkWAN side (Internet) param-eters. These settings are gen-erally not required if your ISP is providing DHCP services. In thiscasethese
44Port Number for WEB Settings-SetaspecicportnumberwhenremotesetupoftheAirStationis planned. Using port 80 allows the AirStation to be
45Network Settings Routing SetupRIP transmission to WAN - Allows RIP transmission or None (no RIP) to WAN RIP reception from WAN - Al-lows RIP recepti
46• Gateway - Address through which the packet passes be-fore it reaches the destination address.• Metric - Number of routers (1-15) to be passed befo
47Address Translation Address Translation - Select Use or Do not Use. Address Translation must be enabled for client computers to connect to the Int
48IP address of DMZ - Allows administrator to set the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) address. Incoming packets containing no recognizable destination port
49Some network applications (online games or streaming software) require adding Address Transla-tion tables; consult the software’s documentation for
5AirStation Broadband Router Base Station (WBR2-G54)Welcome to AirStation, the easy way to ultra fast wireless networking.Thismanual,whichdescribes
50Packet Filter Log Output - Select Output to activatethepacketlterlog.Packet Filter Information Basic Rule - Click add/delete basic rules. Plac
51Usethislterwhenthecommu-nication speed goes down using a network application like E-mail, FTP and WEB. * If IDENT requests are for-warded to a
52IP Filter setting - Limits the type of packets allowed to pass between the WAN and LAN. The maximum number of rules is 32. • Operation - Packets f
53nolongerhaveaccesstotheAirStationcongurationscreens.Thisfunctionprohibitssetupfroma wireless or wired computer. The AirStation can
54◗ Note:Ifconguringfromawirelesscomputer,addyourMACaddresstothelistofauthorizedwireless LAN PCs. The MAC address must be in two-di
55Intrusion DetectorThe Intrusion Detector watch guards and prevents unauthorized access from the WAN (Internet)This function also records information
56• Sender email server address - Enter the SMTP Server address.• Receiving email server authorization - Enter the POP3 Server address, User name and
57UPnP Select Use to enable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). When a computer with UPnP support connects to the AirSta-tion, that computer automati-cal
58Management System InformationSystem information of the AirStation is obtained here.• Model name - Displays modelandrmwareversion• AirStation N
59• WAN side IP address auto acquisition - This is the method to acquire the IP address from the WAN (Internet) side DHCP server. Press Release to r
6• SOHO/SMBroutingandrewallfunctionsprovideasaferprivatenetworkingenvironment,includ-ing support for MS NetMeeting and MSN-Messenger. •
60• New Password - Enter new password. Enter up to eight alphanumeric characters (case sensi-tive)• Conrm Password-Reenterthenewpasswordforco
61Packet Trafc InformationDisplays number of packets sent and received for:Wired WANWired LAN Wireless LAN Click Refresh to start update the transfe
62Client MonitorDisplays the wired and wireless clients (computers) that are accessing the AirStation.• MAC address - Shows the client’s MAC address.
63PING Test Performs a PING test from the AirStation to a LAN or WAN address. Enter the target IP address and click OK (e.g. - OR- www.bu
64Log InformationDisplay log info level - Select Error and/or Notify to spec-ify the types of reports to be logged by the AirStation.Display log info
65Syslog TransferSelect Use or Do not use to enable or disable the AirStation’s ability to transmit information to a Syslog server. • Syslog Server -
66Save/Restore SettingsSave current settings - Click Savetoopenthelesavingdialog and save the current AirStationsettingstoale.Restored sa
67Reboot/Reload DefaultsClick Restart to reboot AirStationClick Restore to reset the AirStation to default factory settings. ◗ Note: Resetting to defa
68Firmware Update Firmware le name - Click Browse to browse tothepathandlenameforthenewrmware.ClickFirmware Update to load rmwaretothe
69AOSS Client Table - Displays the clients connected via AOSS. The ‘Disconnect’ button disconnects the client from the AOSS router byusingMACAddre
7- PacketmonitoringandlteringbyMACaddress,IPaddressandport.- PPPoE support- WDS support• Buffalo’seasywebinterfaceconguration•
70Manually specify the encryp-tion type - This forces AOSS to useaspeciedtypeofencryp-tion. It is recommended to not change this setting. If th
71Additional InformationFor more information, please consult:• The AirStation website at: - for frequently asked question
72Regulatory InformationWireless communication is often subject to local radio regulations. Although AirStation wireless networking products have been
73Modulation Technique Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum• ODFM for High Transmit Rate• DQPSK for Standard Transmit Rate• DBPSK for Low Transmit RateSpre
74400 m (1300 ft.)550 m (1750 ft.)Semi-Open Ofce Environment50 m (165 ft.)70 m (230 ft.)90 m (300 ft.)115 m (375 ft.)ClosedOfce25 m (80 ft.)35 m (
75Table “Radio Characteristics” lists the typical ranges when used indoors:• InOpenOfceenvironments,clientscan“see”eachother,i.e.therear
76Common Problems:• Out of range, client cannot connect to the AirStation.•Congurationmismatch,clientcannotconnecttotheAirStation.•Absenceo
77Table B.1.1 DIAG LED Activity TableDIAG LED Display Time Description/ActionContinuous Red Starting RAMErrorRedash,2timesStartingFlashROM
78• If the wireless adapter protocol is not yet installed, click the Add button and select the TCP/IP protocol from the list. Refer to Windows Help
79Troubleshooting WDS (Step-by-Step Instructions)The most common issue with WDS installations is using the wrong MAC address. The proper MAC Ad-dress
8neously. Buffalo AirStation wireless access points enable sharing broadband by simply connecting the AirStation to a DSL or CATV modem to:• Share
80The following is a list of good practices with WDS: 1. Start the wireless bridge system with only two access points and then add more access points
815. Click on the ‘LAN port’ link on the left.6. Check that the ‘LAN side IP address’ values are correct for your network, or leave them as default.
8215. Click on the ‘Wireless bridge (WDS)’ link on the left. 16. Enable the WDS function and press the ‘Set’ button. 17.EntertheWirelessMACAddr
8329. At the top of the page, press the ‘Apply’ button.30. Once the router has rebooted, click on the ‘Management’ tab on the left.31. Click on the
8410BaseT or 100BaseTx: 802.3 based Ether-net network that uses UTP (Unshielded twisted pair) cable and a star topology. 10 is 10 Mbps and 100 is 10
85Driver: Software that interfaces a computer withaspecichardwaredevice.DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum): Method of spreading a wireless
86IP (Internet Protocol) Address: A unique 32-binary-digitnumberthatidentieseachsenderor receiver of information sent in packets. Infrastructu
87mation between computers. RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service): A server that issues authentication key to clients. RAM (Random Acce
88Script:Amacroorbatchlecontaininginstruc-tions and used by a computer to perform a task. Server:Anycomputerthatmakeslesorperipheral
89WAN (Wide Area Network): A networking sys-tem covering a wide geographical area. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): An encryp-tion method based on 64
9ofce.ConnecttheBuffaloAirStationBroadbandrouterAP to a CATV or DSL modem in order to:•Share broadband access•Sharelesandprinters•Bridge
90Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital devi
91IMPORTANT NOTE:Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
92FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equip
93Warranty InformationBuffalo Technology (Melco Inc.) products comes with a two-year limited warranty from the date of purchase. Buffalo Technology (M
94Contact InformationADDRESS Buffalo Technology (USA), Inc.4030 West Braker Lane, Suite 120Austin, TX 78759-5319GENERAL INQUIRIES Monday through
95Technical Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (USA / Canada)Toll-Free: 866-752-6210 email: [email protected]©2004, Buffalo Technol
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