Network Attached StorageTeraStation III iSCSI User Manualwww.buffalotech.com35011188 ver.01TS-IXLTS-RIXL
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 9Disconnecting and Removing TeraStationTo remove an iSCSI TeraStation, disconnect any connected volumes rst and then unreg
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 104Note: If a TeraStation is connected to multiple computers, unregister it from each computer.5You can now power down the
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 11Reconnect a TeraStation To reuse a TeraStation that you previously removed, follow the instructions below to register it
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 12Mutual AuthenticationThe iSCSI TeraStation supports mutual authentication for security. Mutual authentication lets a comp
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 13Chapter 3 CongurationConguration is done from the TeraStation’s web-based conguration utility.1Click “Start” - “All Pr
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 14Chapter 4 Using Logical Volume Manager (LVM)Enable/Disable Logical Volume Manager (LVM)Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is d
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 15Create VolumeBy default, one volume uses all available space on the TeraStation. If you delete the factory volume, you ma
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 16Extend Volume SpaceVolume space can be extended after you create the volume.Notes: • Extending the volume may delete all
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 17Chapter 5 Changing RAID Mode • RAID 5 array with 4 hard drives (factory default)Uses 4 hard drives in one array. Parity
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 18• RAID 0 arrayCombines 4 drives into one fast array. The full capacity of all drives combined is available for use. RAID
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 1ContentsChapter 1 Introduction ... 3
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 19Conguring Normal mode123Click “Delete RAID Array”. This will take several seconds, and the front panel display will show
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 20Conguring a RAID 5 array with 4 hard drivesNote: This is the default conguration.1Delete any preexisting array as desc
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 21Conguring a RAID 5 array with 3 hard drives1Delete any preexisting array as described in “Configuring Normal mode” on pa
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 22Conguring a RAID 10 array1Delete any preexisting array as described in “Configuring Normal mode” on page 19.2345Note:
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 23Conguring a RAID 1 array1Delete any preexisting array as described in “Configuring Normal mode” on page 19.2345Note: B
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 24Conguring a RAID 0 array1Delete any preexisting array as described in “Configuring Normal mode” on page 19.234 56The con
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 25Conguring a Hot Spare A hot spare will automatically replace a failed drive in a RAID array. You must have an extra dri
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 26Chapter 6 Access RestrictionsConguring Access Restrictions for the TeraStation 1234Turn the iSCSI service back on again
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 27Conguring Access Restrictions for Individual Volumes12345Click “Save".6Turn the iSCSI service back on again. Note
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 28Chapter 7 TeraStation MaintenanceHost Name and Time12Note: TeraStation names can contain up to 15 alphanumeric character
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 2Chapter 6 Congure Access Restrictions ... 26
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 294 For best results, use an NTP server to set the TeraStation's internal clock and the clocks of other devices on yo
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 30RAID ScanningA RAID scan tests your RAID array for errors. If errors are found, they are xed automatically if possible.
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 31Mail NoticationYou can choose to send status report emails from the TeraStation to a specied email address. Emails are
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 32Examples: These emails are for example only. Your notication emails may be different. • This email includes a "
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 33For best results, plug your TeraStation in to a UPS (uninterruptable power supply). This will protect it from many kinds
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 34The TeraStation can beep when errors occurs. Select the events that cause the TeraStation to beep as below.1Navigate to
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 35The admin account is used to access the conguration utility and change the TeraStation’s settings. . By default, the adm
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 36123Click “Format”. The Conrm Operation screen will appear. Type in the conrmation number and click “Apply” within 60
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 37Encrypting DrivesIf “Encryption” is check when a drive is formatted, the drive will be encrypted with 128 bit AES encrypt
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 38Erasing All DataData on the hard drive is not completely erased by just deleting it, or even formatting the drive. It co
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 3Chapter 1 IntroductioniSCSICan be placed anywhereIt is recognized as a local hard disk just like USB hard drives, but you
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 39Initializing SettingsHold down the initialization button until it beeps (about 5 seconds). This will reset the TeraStati
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 40Initialization from the Conguration UtilityYou can also initialize the TeraStation from the conguration utility. The f
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 41Changing the IP address If desired, you may manually set the TeraStation’s IP address. Use the iSCSI hard drive connecti
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 42Using Jumbo FramesIf all of your network devices support jumbo frames, enabling them can make your network faster. To co
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 43Port trunking (link aggregation) allows you to connect the TeraStation to two Ethernet ports for increased speed and reli
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 44Conguring port trunking on the TeraStation:1Connect TeraStation’s LAN port 1 to a LAN port on your switch. If you’ve c
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 45Chapter 8 Conguration UtilityCommon SettingsCommon Settings (Displayed on the left side of the screen)iSCSI ServiceClic
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 46Create VolumeTo display, click “Create Volume" on the Volume Conguration Screen.Volume Name Enter a name for the vo
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 47BasicBasicNameClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.Name Enter a name to identify the TeraStation on the network.* E
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 48NetworkIP Address SettingsClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.*The LAN cable connected to LAN port 2 should be set
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 4For best results, use dedicated Gigabit (1000BASE-T) NICs, cabling, and routers to connect iSCSI drives. Use of slower ne
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 49SecurityAdministrator SettingsClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.Username You may change the admin account’s user
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 50StorageDisksFormat Disk Formatting a drive or array will erase all volumes on the drive or array. After formatting a dis
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 51RAID ScanningClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.RAID Scanning:A RAID scan read checks all sectors in the data are
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 52MaintenanceEmail NotificationClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.Click “Send Test Message” to send a test email t
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 53Alert Sound SettingsClick “Modify Settings” to change settings.Alert Sound SettingsBeep alerts can be triggered by the fo
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 54Restore/FormatRestore Factory DefaultsRestore TeraStationClick “Restore TeraStation” to initialize the following settings
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 55 AppendixFactory DefaultsInitial conguration defaults:• Administrator Username: admin• Administrator Password: passwor
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 56Main LCDThe main LCD display on the front of the TeraStation displays information about the status and operation of the T
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 57StatusDisplays the current status when changing the settings or formatting drives.Display MeaningHDx Warning I11Bad Sec
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 58Errors and WarningsDisplays the current status when changing the settings or formatting drives.Examples of LCD MeaningSYS
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 5Install the "Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator" rst.Before you can use iSCSI equipment with Windows XP, 2000,
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 59Firmware UpdatesVisit Buffalo's web site ( for the latest rmware updates for your TeraStation.
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 60Term ListsDHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol) ServerA DHCP server manages network conguration information for all
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 61GatewayDevice, computer or software which connects networks together. Packets pass through gateways to travel between ne
iSCSI TeraStation User ManualInitial release 11-13-09Issued by Buffalo Technology Inc.
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 6Refer to the separate "Quick Setup Guide" for connection instructions.▼Turn on your computer▼Insert the Utility
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 7Chapter 2 Using the iSCSI Hard Disk Connection TooliSCSI Hard Disk Connection ToolWhen you set up the TeraStation with Te
TeraStation IS Setup Guide 8Current status Displays Current status of the selected volume.• Not connected. Volume is disconnected.• Connected. Volume
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