Best Practices for running Buffalo Technology iSCSI platforms on VMware vSphere
Summary of steps you should take to insure that you have a trouble free setup: • Make sure that you have unique names for all your LUN’s. This is re
Simple Configuration (one ESX server and one TS III iSCSI of 4 TB capacity or less) Requirements: OS: VMware ESX 4.0, 4.1 iSCSI Firmware: 1.32 or gre
The simple configuration method is easy to use and quick to configure. When you take the unit out of the box, configure it before connecting it to t
Requirements: OS: VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0, 4.1 iSCSI Firmware: 1.32 or greater Recommend array configurations: These are the most common ways to set up a
Starting up a system such as this will take more configuration than our simple setup. When you take the units out of the box, configure them before
b. In advanced settings set to the number of servers you will be attaching these units to in the field “Max Connections”. The maximum number of serve
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