TeraStation WSS 5000R2User Manualwww.buffalotech.com35020333-012014-01
10Notes: • If the message “The publisher of this remote connection cannot be identified. Do you want to connect anyway?” is displayed, click Connect.
11Note: Never disable the LAN (network device) settings in Windows Storage Server. Disabling the LAN settings will also disable access to the TeraStat
12Chapter 2 Remote DesktopOpening Windows Storage ServerNote: If using OS X (10.4 or later), download and install “Remote Desktop Connection Client fo
13Chapter 3 Windows UpdateWindows UpdateFor best results, Windows Storage Server should be updated regularly. Use Windows Update as described below.No
14Chapter 4 Preinstalled SoftwareRAID BuilderRAID Builder is used to modify the RAID arrays. See chapter 5 for details.Note: To launch RAID Builder, y
15Items DescriptionsSystem InformationProduct Name: Displays the model name of the TeraStation.Computer Name: Displays the hostname of the TeraStation
16Note: The following functions are only available when logged in as administrator:• Refresh• Dismount drive• OptionsEmail NotificationYour TeraSta
18Chapter 5 Managing Your StorageCreating VolumesVolume TypesThe features of each volume type are explained below.Notes: • Use RAID Builder to create
19Spanned VolumesThe unallocated areas of multiple hard drives are joined to create a single logical volume. This allows various drive spaces to be co
2ContentsChapter 1 Installation ...5Diagrams ...
20Formatting Volumes1 In Windows Storage Server, open Administrative Tools, then double-click Computer Management.2 Click Disk Management.3 Right-c
21Examples:• For a configuration with drive 1 (50 GB), drive 2 (80 GB), drive 3 (58 GB), and drive 4 (100 GB), the usable space on the RAID volume wi
22Example:For a configuration with drive 3 (58 GB) and drive 4 (100 GB), the usable space on the mirrored volume will be 58 GB.A mirrored volume will
23Example:For a configuration with drive 1 (50 GB), drive 2 (80 GB), drive 3 (58 GB), and drive 4 (100 GB), the usable space on the mirrored volume wi
24Example:For a configuration with drive 1 (50 GB), drive 2 (80 GB), drive 3 (58 GB), and drive 4 (100 GB), the usable space on the RAID volume will b
254 Click Next.5 Enter the volume size that you want to create and click Next.
266 Select Assign the following drive letter and click Next.7 Select Format this volume with the following settings and Perform a quick format and c
27A simple volume will be created. Next, create a shared folder on the volume as described in chapter 7.Hard Drive Replacement ProcedureHard drives in
281 Error LEDRed if a drive has failed.2 Status LEDsGreen: Normal operation.Glowing red: If a drive’s status LED is glowing red, the drive has malfu
293 Enter the username and password, then press the Enter key. Windows Storage Server will open in the remote desktop.Note: The default username and
3Formatting Volumes ...20Creating a RAID 5 Volume ...
308 Push the unlock button of the failed hard drive and swing the lock mechanism out.
319 Pull out the hard drive cartridge and remove it from the TeraStation.
3210 Insert the new hard drive (sold separately) into the empty slot. Slide the drive in with the locking mechanism open.
3311 Swing the lock back down until it clicks into place.
3412 Replace the front cover. If the hard drive was replaced while the TeraStation was off, power it on now. Run RAID Builder.13 Buffalo Dashboard wil
3515 Click Disk Management.16 Right-click the new drive and select Initialize Disk.17 Right-click the initialized hard drive and select Convert to Dyn
3618 Select the step depending on your purpose for a created volume.To create a new volume:(1) Right-click the new dynamic disk and select New Volume.
377 Close the front cover with the included key. Press the power button on the TeraStation to turn it on.Note: If drive 1 is being replaced, the red
38following list” is displayed, select the drive to restore and click OK. Perform steps (1) and (2) for each volume that requires RAID resynchronizati
39Chapter 6 BackupTo avoid the data loss accidentally, back up your data regularly.Back Up in Windows Storage ServerYou can back up TeraStation folder
4Chapter 8 NAS Navigator2 ...67Chapter 9 Appendix ...7
404 Click Next.5 Select “Custom” and click Next.
416 Click Add Items.7 Select the backup source folders or drives and click OK.
428 Click Next.9 Specify the schedule to run the backup and click Next.
4310 Select the backup destination and click Next.11 Step through the wizard to finish.Recovering Backup DataRecover the backup data to the TeraStatio
442 Click Local Backup. If “Reading data; please wait...” is displayed, please wait until these messages disappear.3 Right-click on “Local Backup” a
455 Select the date when backing up the data and click OK.6 Select the recovery targets and click Next.
467 Step through the wizard to finish.Back Up with NovaBACKUPNovaBACKUP is a Windows utility that lets you back up the data on your computer or TeraS
4710 Click Finish.NovaBACKUP is now installed. To launch NovaBACKUP, click the icon on your computer’s desktop. For more detail information, click Vie
48Chapter 7 SettingsDate and Time1 Click the time in the system tray of Windows Storage Server.2 Click Change date and time settings - Change date a
494 Enter the computer name, choose domain or workgroup, and click OK.
5Chapter 1 InstallationDiagramsWS5600DR2WS5400DR2WS5200DR2
50Note: The computer name should have 16 characters or less. If more than 16 characters are entered, all characters from the 17th character on are ign
514 Click Proceed.5 Enter a new password (twice).
52Adding a User1 In Windows Storage Server, open Administrative Tools, then double-click Computer Management.2 Click Local Users and Groups.3 Right
53Note: Accounts not belonging to the Administrators group cannot be connected by the remote desktop.Adding a Group1 In Windows Storage Server, open
544 Enter the desired settings, then click Add.
555 Click Advanced.6 Click Find Now.7 Select the users to be registered to the group, then click OK.
568 Click OK.9 Click Close.
57Creating a Shared FolderNo shared folders are configured by default. Before using the TeraStation, follow the procedure below to create one or more
584 Click Next.5 Enter the path of an existing folder or a new folder, then click Next.
59Notes: • Enter “D:\Share” in folder path to create the shared folder for the first time.• If the message “The system cannot find the specified pat
6WS5400RR21 Power ButtonTo power on, connect the power cable and wait for 10 seconds, then press the power button. To power off, press the power butt
607 Check Customize permissions, then click Custom.8 Choose Everyone and check Allow for “Change”.
619 In the Security tab, click Edit - Add.
6210 Enter “Everyone” under “Enter the object names to select”, then click OK.11 Choose “Everyone”, then check Allow for Modify.
6312 Click OK - OK - Finish - Finish.13 Click Local Users and Groups in Computer Management.14 Double-click Users - Guest.15 In the General tab, unche
64Email NotificationYour TeraStation can send you email reports daily, or when settings are changed or an error occurs. Notification emails may trigge
65Send toAdds new receiver of the notification emal. Click New to add a new email address. Click Edit to change the receiver settings or Delete to del
66ShowSelects from “IP Address 1”, “Drive Usage”, “Date & Time”, and “IP Address 2” to show on the LCD display or not.Scroll Display Enable or dis
67Chapter 8 NAS Navigator2NAS Navigator2 is a utility program that makes it easy to display Windows Storage Server, change TeraStation’s IP address, o
68Name DescriptionMenuMap Share*Not available for this product (grayed out).Disconnect Share*Not available for this product (grayed out).Map All Remot
69The following tasks may be performed from the TeraStation’s properties page.Name DescriptionRemote Desktop Click Open Remote Desktop to open Windows
7into a USB 3.0 port, move the boot switch to the USB position, and press the power button.14 UPS PortConnect to a UPS.15 USB 3.0 PortCompatible Buffa
70Chapter 9 AppendixLCD DisplayThe LCD display can be cycled through different modes by pressing the display button on the front of the TeraStation.Mo
71SYSTEM Error E11Fan FailureAn error occurred in the fan speed.Check that no foreign objects or dust are clogging the fan. If any foreign objects or
72Microsoft Network Group SettingWORKGROUPRAID ModeDrive C: A mirrored array using drives 1 and 2Drive D: A RAID 5 array using all drives**WS5200DR2:
73Operating EnvironmentTemperature: 5 - 35°C; 41 - 95° FEnvironment Humidity: 20 - 80% (no condensation)CompatibilityWindows and Mac computers with Et
74Cause 6. The LAN board or hub transmission mode has not been set.Change the transmission mode in the LAN board or hub to “10M semi-duplex” or “100M
75Recovery is performed by deleting the area for drive 1, setting up a new 100 GB (Basic Disk/Simple) area, and then copying the Windows Storage Serve
76Ethernet port number is not correct on the Windows Storage Server.Ethernet port numbers on the Windows Storage Server are assigned in the order of r
77BSMI警告使用者 :此為甲類資訊技術設備,於居住環境中使用時,可能會造成射頻擾動,在此種情況下,使用者會被要求採取某些適當的對策。CCC警告此为A级产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能会造成无线电干扰。在这种情况下,可能需要用户对其干扰采取切实可行的措施。设备的最高使用室内环境温度: 35° C 仅
8“TeraNavi” folder. TeraNavigator will launch.Notes: • If using Windows 2000 or 2000 Server, make sure that write-protection on the USB device is dis
96 Select the IP Address tab and check “Use DHCP” (or enter the IP address settings manually). Click OK.If you are prompted to enter the administrato
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