Features and Benefits
• Works for everyone, optimized for Panasonic
• Ideal for capturing and storing multimedia content:
share and enjoy your digital media
• Compatible with TVs, TV recorders, video cameras,
computers – almost any device with a USB port
• If coupled with a USB 3.0 television, Buffalo Technology’s
HD-AVU3 can record 3 TV shows simultaneously
• Transfer directly from Video Cameras to Hard
Drive via USB2.0 Conversion Cable
• Customized and Panasonic-approved firmware
helps ensure smooth streaming playback for:
- Panasonic VIERA TVs
- Panasonic DIGA TV recorders
- Panasonic Camcorders
For TVs, Recorders,
and Video Cameras
Ready to Capture – and
Keep– your Favorite
Programs and Entertainment
Buffalo Technology’s new HD-AVSU3 series enables users
to maintain extensive media libraries while freeing up
TVs, TV recorders, and video cameras to keep recording
– and making – the programs and movies you love.
Buffalo’s new external hard drive is ideal for capturing
and storing multimedia content. It’s compatible with
TVs, TV recorders, video cameras, computers, and
almost any other device with a USB port. Users will enjoy
added speed when paired with USB3.0 devices.
Buffalo’s HD-AVSU3 series is also the only Panasonic-
approved external hard drive and includes optimized
firmware that helps ensure smooth streaming
playback with special AV commands and superior
error handling for Panasonic devices.
Buffalo’s HD-AVSU3 is available in 1 or 2TB capacities.
USB 3.0 External HDD
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